
Accessibility measures

 Do you have special requirements?

The Théâtre de Carouge offers free services to make our shows accessible to a wider audience.

As of February 2021, the Théâtre de Carouge bears the Inclusive Culture classification. For more information visit kulturinklusiv.ch.

Detailed practical information regarding accessiblity at the Théâtre de Carouge is available on culture-accessible.ch.



For accessibility:
Olga Timofeeva
Accessibility manager
+41 77 211 97 76

For reservations:
Nathalie Lelièvre
Ticket office manager
+41 22 343 43 43

Reduced mobility

The Théâtre de Carouge is accessible for wheelchair-users.

Main room
There are 6 wheelchair spaces in the main room. These are located at the ends of row D at the bottom of the auditorium and row Q at the top of the auditorium. The Theatre may add more as space permits. Row D is accessed directly from the first floor, and Row Q by elevator.
SEAting plan

small room
In the small room, 4 wheelchair spaces are provided in the front row. The Theatre may add more, subject to availability. Access is direct from the first floor.

OK:GO initiative
The Théâtre de Carouge is taking part in the OK:GO initiative.
Consult our accessibility measures on ginto.

Reserve a place

To reserve tickets, please contact the box office directly.
By e-mail: billetterie@theatredecarouge.ch
By phone: +41 22 343 43 43
On site: Rue Ancienne 37 A, Carouge
Tuesday to Friday 12h-18h
Saturday 10h-14h

In order to welcome you in the best possible way and to guarantee a seat for you and your companion, it is essential to inform the Theatre at the time of booking, at least one day before the performance.

Blind and visually impaired Blind and visually impaired

The theatre offer performances with audiodescriptions and touch tours.

This proposal is made in partnership with the association Ecoute voir and So Close.

Dates and reservations

In partnership with Ecoute Voir:

The Crisis
15 December 2024

The Tempest or the voice of the wind
13 April 2025

To reserve your place, contact the Ecoute Voir association directly: AD@ecoute-voir.org ou +41 79 893 26 15

In partnership with So Close:

The Dindon
8 and 9 March 2025

6 and 7 June 2025

To reserve your place, contact the So Close association directly: associationsoclose@gmail.com or +41 78 625 43 43

What you need to know:

  • For the companion of a blind or partially-sighted person, admission is free for all performances, even those without audiodescription.
  • Guide dogs are allowed during performances, subject to availability.
  • To ensure the best possible welcome and guarantee a seat for you, your companion or your dog, it is essential to inform the Theatre at the time of booking or at least one day before the performance.




Deaf and hard of hearing Deaf and hard of hearing

The theatre offers performances subtitled in French and English.

The theatre offers performances subtitled in French and English, making the joy of theatre accessible to hard-of-hearing and English-speaking patrons in the greater Geneva area.

Only on the dates indicated below, the theater offers subtitles in English and French on subtitled tablets.
The tablets are very easy to use, and you can read the subtitles from any seat in the auditorium.
To use a tablet, you need to book it in advance. Read the procedure below.

Subtitles dates and info

21 September and 19 November 2024
Subtitles available on tablet

The False Confidences
12 and 15 October 2024
Subtitles available on tablet

The Crisis
14 and 17 December 2024
Subtitles available on tablet

Wendy and Peter Pan
18 January 2025
Subtitles available on tablet

The Way of the World
8 February 2025
Subtitles available on tablet

The Dindon
21 and 22 March 2025
Subtitles available on tablet

The Tempest or the voice of wind
5 and 8 April 2025
Subtitles available on tablet

24 and 27 May 2025
Subtitles available on tablet

Book a tablet
  • Reserve your seat for a show with subtitles
  • When you make your reservation, let the box office know that you need a tablet.
    By e-mail: billetterie@theatredecarouge.ch
    By phone: +41 22 343 43 43
    On site: Rue Ancienne 37 A, Carouge
    Tuesday to Friday 12h-18h
    Saturday 10h-14h
  • 30 minutes before the show, ask for the tablet at reception, in exchange for your ID.
  • After the show, return the tablet to reception and pick up your ID.
Show without words

Bells and Spells is a show without words. By Victoria Thierrée Chaplin, with Aurélia Thierrée, From April 17 to May 5 2024

Book now

The Theatre suggests using the Listen EVERYWHERE application
Discover the 3 possibilities of Listen EVERYWHERE

The Listen EVERYWERE wifi system only works in the room. Don’t try to connect before entering the room, it won’t work.

Each room has its own network:
For the main room : TS-GS-LISTEN
For the small room : TS-PS-LISTEN


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 077 211 97 76 to check the compatibility of your device with our accessibility manager before the show.

When you reserve your place, don’t hesitate to tell the ticket office what you need.
By e-mail: billetterie@theatredecarouge.ch
By phone: +41 22 343 43 43
On site: Rue Ancienne 37 A, Carouge
Tuesday to Friday 12h-18h
Saturday 10h-14h

People with mental disabilities

The Theatre organizes occasional RELAX evenings.

During a Relax evening:
We’ll welcome you and tell you all about your evening.
We accompany you to your seat, and it’s easy for you to get out if you need to.

Ask Olga Timofeeva about Relax evenings at the Théâtre de Carouge.
Par email accessibilite@theatredecarouge.ch
Par téléphone +41 77 211 97 76

The Relax evenings are coordinated by Out of the Box association.


Date of next Relax evening

More informations to come.