When one of the most decorated and acclaimed French directors takes on a masterpiece such as this work by Beckett, it promises to be a high-flying theatrical adventure. The two vagabonds Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for Godot, or at least they’re waiting for someone who could get them out of the mess they’ve got themselves into. But Godot does not come. Godot never comes. Maybe he doesn’t even exist. But have patience: it will come.
By Samuel Beckett
Directed by Alain Françon
From 17 January
To 29 January 2023
Tickets on waiting list only
Main Room
From 12 years old
Tuesday– Friday at 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday at 5 pm
Surtitled in English and French 26, 28 January 2023
By Samuel Beckett
Directed by Alain Françon
From 17 January
To 29 January 2023
Tickets on waiting list only
Main Room
From 12 years old
Tuesday– Friday at 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday at 5 pm
Surtitled in English and French 26, 28 January 2023
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