There’s the wrath of the wind, the sky, and the sea, slyly combining to form a terrible tempest that casts the shipwrecked King of Naples, Alonso, and his son Ferdinand onto an island inhabited by a monster, Caliban, and a spirit, Ariel. There’s Prospero, the former Duke of Milan and an old sorcerer exiled to the same island with his daughter Miranda, determined to take revenge for having once been ousted from the throne. And there’s love, when Ferdinand melts in front of the beautiful Miranda, as Prospero had planned, but who of course opposes their union. This is how Shakespeare leads his characters, between reality and fairy tale, mischief and drama, where everything is both fantastic and true in this, the British playwright’s last play. “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here” says Ferdinand, but the end is never what you think it will be, and if Omar Porras has now taken up this fable, it’s to extract from this Tempest all its telluric and theatrical forces. It could be that this union between him and Shakespeare reveals a deeper quest. Osmosis.
By William Shakespear
Directed by Omar Porras
From 28 March
To 17 April 2025
Duration 1h45
Main stage
From 12 years old
Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm
Subtitles in english and french on 5 and 8 April 2025
Audiodescription on 13 April 2025
By William Shakespear
Directed by Omar Porras
From 28 March
To 17 April 2025
Duration 1h45
Main stage
From 12 years old
Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm
Subtitles in english and french on 5 and 8 April 2025
Audiodescription on 13 April 2025
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