There would be a language that rises from the past and is capable of shattering masks; a power that we cannot tire of, a secret whisper in our ear: « This is what they are, and this is what we are…». There would be Marivaux’s love of the complexity of human beings, sharing with his audience the stratagems he uses to expose a society more adept at lying than telling the truth. And there would be a plot. In this play, the plot revolves around the young Dorante, who wants to win the heart of Araminte, a wealthy and attractive widow for whom he has a plan: to be hired as her steward. With the help of his former valet Dubois, he sets up intrigues and anonymous letters, and the game begins: all the characters resort to false confidences, all play the card of their interests. But Marivaux’s language is a powerful lever, flaying elegance and exposing vices. Superbly served by the talent of Alain Françon and his fabulous cast, being and seeming intertwine in a waltz that both stuns and delights. All that remains is one question: in the end, did anyone tell the truth?
By Marivaux
Directed by Alain Françon
From 24 September
To 19 October 2024
Duration 1h40
Main stage
From 12 years old
Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm
Subtitles in English and French on 12 and 15 October 2024
By Marivaux
Directed by Alain Françon
From 24 September
To 19 October 2024
Duration 1h40
Main stage
From 12 years old
Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm
Subtitles in English and French on 12 and 15 October 2024
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