
The Dupe

There was a young woman growing up in the countryside in French-speaking Switzerland, far from the stage and the artistic world. There were texts, patiently waiting for her to find them. Then came the moment she discovered the language of theatre, its horizon, and its questions about Life. Trained as an actress at the Geneva Conservatoire, then a director at ENSATT (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre in Lyon) and the Académie de La Comédie-Française, Maryse Estier has put down roots in the world of theatre with patience and passion. She has founded her own company, which she commits to powerful texts, those we call “classics” as well as contemporary ones, and demonstrates her immense talent, creation after creation. And so it is with Feydeau and his Dindon, a play in three acts and prose first performed in Paris on 8 February 1896 at Théâtre du Palais Royal, whose misunderstandings and twists never cease to delight us, where love, turned upside down, plays its greatest role, and whose thundering fantasy, under the director’s watchful eye, makes for more than a simple reinterpretation but rather a rediscovery.

By Georges Feydeau
Directed by Maryse Estier

From 4 March
To 23 March 2025

Duration 1h45 (in creation)
Main stage
From 12 years old

Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm

Subtitles in English and French on 21 and 22 March 2025
Audiodescription on 8 and 9 March 2025

Personne à mobilité réduite Malentendant Malvoyant

Tickets ▶︎

Tickets ▶︎

The show is part of the Théâtre de Carouge's « Transmission » programme, a spotlight on this talented young generation.

Distribution and Credits

With Nicolas Avinée (Ernest Rédillon), David Casada (Edmond Pontagnac), Marie Druc (Armandine, Miss Pinchard, Augustine), Dylan Ferreux (Narcisse Soldignac, Victor, Commissioner of the Act III), David Gobet (Crépin Vatelin, First commissioner of the Act II), Capucine Lhemanne (Clotilde Pontagnac, Clara), Clémence Longy (Maggy Soldignac), Mariama Sylla (Lucienne Vatelin, Second commissioner of the Act II)

By Georges Feydeau
Adaptation and dramaturgy Maryse Estier and Clémence Longy
Directed by Maryse Estier
Assistant director for the Transmission project Adrien Zumthor
Scenography and lights Lucien Valle
Sound John Kaced
Costumes Clément Vachelard
Choreography and fights Pavel Jancik
Props Cam Ha Ly Chardonnens
Make-up and wigs Emmanuelle Olivet Pellegrin
Hairstyles Fadila Adli
Couture Verena Dubach, Cécile Vercaemer-Ingles
Set contruction Marc Borel, Tom Foutel, Christophe Reichel, Grégoire de Saint Sauveur, Le Ratelier – JM Mathey & Lucien Mozer
Set painting Éric Vuille

Technique team from Théâtre de Carouge
Stage management William Fournier
Stage management during rehearsal Sébastien Gaz
Costumes care Cécile Vercaemer-Ingles
Dressing Marion Lévite
Installation and technique Chingo Bensong, Ian Durrer, Adrien Grandjean (apprentice techniscenist), Étienne Morel, Baptiste Novello (apprentice techniscenist), Loïc Rivoalan, Olivier Savet, Mansour Walter

Production Théâtre de Carouge and Cie Jordils
Coproduction Théâtre de Montansier Versailles

Created on 4 March 2025 in Théâtre de Carouge



On 21 and 22 March 2025, the Theatre offers a performance with subtitles in French and English.

This proposal is made in partnership with Écoute Voir.

Subtitles are available on tablets on loan free of charge.

They’re very easy to use, and you can read the surtitles from any seat in the theater.

How to reserve a tablet:

> Reserve your seat for a performance with surtitles.
> When you make your reservation, tell the box office that you need a tablet.
By e-mail: billetterie@theatredecarouge.ch
By phone: +41 22 343 43 43
On site: Rue Ancienne 37 A, Carouge
Tuesday to Friday 12h-18h
Saturday 10h14h
> 30 minutes before the show, ask for the tablet at the reception desk, in exchange for your ID.
> After the show, return the tablet to reception and collect your ID


The theatre offer two performances with audiodescriptions and touch tours on March 8 and 9 2025.

This proposal is made in partnership with the association So Close.

To reserve your place, contact the So Close association directly:
associationsoclose@gmail.com or +41 78 672 44 98


By Georges Feydeau
Directed by Maryse Estier

From 4 March
To 23 March 2025

Duration 1h45 (in creation)
Main stage
From 12 years old

Tuesday – Friday 7.30 pm
Saturday – Sunday 5 pm

Subtitles in English and French on 21 and 22 March 2025
Audiodescription on 8 and 9 March 2025

Personne à mobilité réduite Malentendant Malvoyant

Tickets ▶︎