On the front stage of an old abandoned cabaret, two former accomplices – did they play Beckett together? – discuss everything and nothing, often passionately, on a tenuous and improbable thread. These two chat, argue, confer, discourse, dissert, jabber, gabble: they’re devil-may-care! And to our great delight. Whether it’s a piano lesson, a game of ping-pong, a medical consultation or a dissertation on Beethoven’s deafness, Dubillard’s wit (d)astonishes. His words move quickly, with humour and lightness, and his surrealism takes us to imaginary lands. Like a cabaret-theatre, the sketches follow one another, weaving a zany web that makes you smile and admire the power of words.
A suspended moment of open-air theatre, a play machine that we hope will bring you joy.
By Roland Dubillard
Directed by Jean Liermier
From 12 June
To 27 June 2024
Duration 1h15 (in creation)
Open-air show
From 12 years old
Schedules and dates
See below
The works of Roland Dubillard are managed by MCR, Marie Cécile Renauld.
As we were unable to secure the rights to play « Zoo Story », we are pleased to present « Les Diablogues ».
By Roland Dubillard
Directed by Jean Liermier
From 12 June
To 27 June 2024
Duration 1h15 (in creation)
Open-air show
From 12 years old
Schedules and dates
See below
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